Leopards of Wilpattu Photo Gallery

Leopards of Wilpattu
Leopards of Wilpattu
Leopards of Wilpattu
Leopards of Wilpattu
Leopards of Wilpattu

Lunu Wewa Road Female 1 - LWRFC 1

Locations of sightings

Borupan Pitiya, Lunu Wewa road

First Sighting

21st April 2024 at 4.02pm

  • 20th July 2024 at 12.52pm one Leopard lying down on a termite hill between Borupan junction and Borupan Wila. N 08.42276, E 080.02345

    Leopards often sleep on these termite nets during the dry season since the temperature of these earth mounds are cooler. There was no clear view as the sleeping leopard was partly covered by foliage. The leopard was only visible from one point on the road. Thus, each safari jeep driver moved off after their visitors had a view for a few minutes. When it was my turn, I managed to get a few images before moving off which helped me to identify the leopard. It was Lunu Wewa Road Female 1 (LWRFC 1).

  • Lunu Wewa Road Female 1-LWRFC 1 - 20th July 2024 at 12.52pm Lunu Wewa Road Female 1-LWRFC 1 - 20th July 2024 at 12.52pm
  • 21st April 2024 at 4.02pm one leopard on Lunu Wewa road. N 08.42895, E 080.02651
    Safari jeep driver Sandun was parked at the location and kindly indicated that there is a leopard behind a termite hill close to the road. Within a few minutes the leopard moved towards the road. I was parked behind the other jeeps thus with much difficulty I managed to maneuver my camera and the lens to get few images of the leopard. It was a young female. I estimated its age to be around 13 months. She walked on to the road and lied down but with the arrival of a few more safari jeeps walked into the forest. We drove forward and managed to get a few more images. I have received images of this leopard cub from those who contribute to my study thus I knew that this is one of the first litter cubs of Borupan Wila Female 4 (BWFC 4). Since it is my first record of this leopard, I named it Lunu Wewa Road Female 1 with the code LWRFC 1 for the purpose of my study.

  • Lunu Wewa Road Female 1-LWRFC 1 - 21st April 2024 at 4.02pm Lunu Wewa Road Female 1-LWRFC 1 - 21st April 2024 at 4.02pm Lunu Wewa Road Female 1-LWRFC 1 - 21st April 2024 at 4.02pm