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Common Name : Pygmy Pipistrel     -       Scientific Name : Pipistrellus tenuis       -       Other Name : Least Pipisralle, Indian Pygmy Bat (E), Heen Koseta Vavula (S)

This is a tiny mammal of 6-7 centimeters in size. It is Sri Lanka’s smallest bat species. It is found throughout much of South Asia, Southeastern China and Southeast Asia.

The conservation status of this species is regarded as Least Concerned (National Red List 2012).

This is a species protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No. 22 of 2009.

It is not a common species but can be found throughout the island.

On the 12th of December 2015 around 10.30pm I was observing these tiny bats darting in to the open living are of the Aanawila bungalow in Radagama (bordering the park) to catch insects attracted by the solar powered lamps. After some time I found one of these bats on the ground close to my mattress. On closer examination I found it is alive but was unable to fly off. Having taken a few photographs I caught the tiny animal using a cloth to ensure that I will not injure it and much to my relief it flew off healthily from my hand.