Leopards of Wilpattu Photo Gallery

Leopards of Wilpattu
Leopards of Wilpattu
Leopards of Wilpattu

Boralu Wala Female 2 - BRWFC 2

Locations of sightings

Boralu Wala

First Sighting

16th October 2016 at 1.55pm

  • 29th June 2024 at 9.30am one Leopard at Thambioluwa. N 08.38747, E 080.05918 It was an adult female and was lying on a horizontal branch of an old Palu tree. The leopard was not disturbed by the safari vehicles and continued to sleep. In about 45 minutes she stood up and moved position with sunlight falling on its body. Upon examining the spot pattern, I was pleased to note that this is Boralu Wala Female 1 (BRWFC 1). In mid-September 2023 she was seen with her two second litter cubs of them one was captured and removed by the park authorities due to paralysis of its hind legs. I managed to park the vehicle leaving room for the other vehicles to pass. 10.42am with the arrival of several safari vehicles I decided to drive off.

  • Boralu Wala Female 2-BRWFC 2 - 29th June 2024 at 9.30am Boralu Wala Female 2-BRWFC 2 - 29th June 2024 at 9.30am Boralu Wala Female 2-BRWFC 2 - 29th June 2024 at 9.30am Boralu Wala Female 2-BRWFC 2 - 29th June 2024 at 9.30am
  • 1st July 2023 at 5.12pm one leopard on a tree at Thambioluwa. N 08.38483, E 080.06049

    It was an adult female leopard and was sleeping on the old sickle shaped Palu Tree and Thambioluwa. After some time, the leopard moved down from the tree. I managed to get a few images despite there being many safari jeeps. It was Boralu Wala Female 2 (BRWFC 2).

  • Boralu Wala Female 2-BRWFC 2 - 1st July 2023 at 5.12pm Boralu Wala Female 2-BRWFC 2 - 1st July 2023 at 5.12pm Boralu Wala Female 2-BRWFC 2 - 1st July 2023 at 5.12pm
  • 19th July 2020 at 7.40am one Leopard between Humbas Wala and Boralu Wala N 08.40699, E 080.04406

    The Leopard had been on the road but moved in a few minutes before our arrival. It was lying on a dead tree inside the forest and was hardly visible. I managed to get a few images, which enabled me to identify the animal. It was Boralu Wala Female 2 (BRWFC 2). After some time she moved down and moved in to the forest. (with guide Thisara)

  • Boralu Wala Female 2-BRWFC 2 - 19th July 2020 at 7.40am
  • 19th November 2018 at 1.13pm one Leopad between Boralu Wala and Humbas Wala. N 08.40477, E 080.04742

    It was a female Leopard and as we spotted she moved in to the forest. I managed to get a few images of her hindquarters as she walked away. Examination these images with those in my data base revealed that of my image the Leopard was Boralu Wala Female 2 BRWFC 2. Despite not being able to get a shot of her face I managed to identify her with the spot pattern of her right upper leg.  (with guide Tissa Ratnayake)

  • Boralu Wala Female 2-BRWFC 2 - 19th November 2018 at 1.13pm Boralu Wala Female 2-BRWFC 2 - 19th November 2018 at 1.13pm
  • 16th October 2016 at 1.55pm 3 leopards at Boralu Wala. N 08.40837, E 080.04171

    I drove from Borupan junction towards Ibba Wala. Just before reaching Boralu Wala we spotted one leopard to our right as the animal moved quickly in to the forest. I reversed the vehicle and parked keeping about 40 meters of distance from where the leopard was seen expecting it to move on to the road. After about 10 minutes our patience paid off when a leopard of about one year moved on to the edge of the road. While I was photographing the leopard Dinesh, who was observing the forest with a pair of binoculars, said “sir another Leopard”. The second leopard, an adult female ran across the road very quickly. As the first leopard moved across the road I heard Dinesh saying “Sir yet another leopard”. The third Leopard, also a cub of about one year, also walked hurriedly across the road. I was thrilled with this sighting. Later upon examining the photos I realized that these are the two cubs photographed by Indika Nettigama and Manju Sirimalwatta that I have named on my site under the Leopards of Wilpattu – Guest section as the Lunu Wewa road Leopard 1 and Boralu Wala Leopard 1. They were two female cubs and their mother. The tail of one of the cubs is bent at the end. Considering that they appear to be frequenting the Boralu Wala area I decided to name the two cubs as Boralu Wala Female 1 and Boralu Wala Female 2. Unfortunately my images of the adult female were not up to standard enabling me to use for identification. (with guide Dinesh Kumara)

  • Boralu Wala Female 2-BRWFC 2 - 16th October 2016 at 1.55pm Boralu Wala Female 2-BRWFC 2 - 16th October 2016 at 1.55pm Boralu Wala Female 2-BRWFC 2 - 16th October 2016 at 1.55pm Boralu Wala Female 2-BRWFC 2 - 16th October 2016 at 1.55pm