Leopards of Wilpattu Photo Gallery

Leopards of Wilpattu
Leopards of Wilpattu
Leopards of Wilpattu
Leopards of Wilpattu
Leopards of Wilpattu

Lunu Wewa Road Female 1 - LWRFC 1

Locations of sightings

Borupan Pitiya, Lunu Wewa road

First Sighting

21st April 2024 at 4.02pm

  • 21st April 2024 at 4.02pm one leopard on Lunu Wewa road. N 08.42895, E 080.02651
    Safari jeep driver Sandun was parked at the location and kindly indicated that there is a leopard behind a termite hill close to the road. Within a few minutes the leopard moved towards the road. I was parked behind the other jeeps thus with much difficulty I managed to maneuver my camera and the lens to get few images of the leopard. It was a young female. I estimated its age to be around 13 months. She walked on to the road and lied down but with the arrival of a few more safari jeeps walked into the forest. We drove forward and managed to get a few more images. I have received images of this leopard cub from those who contribute to my study thus I knew that this is one of the first litter cubs of Borupan Wila Female 4 (BWFC 4). Since it is my first record of this leopard, I named it Lunu Wewa Road Female 1 with the code LWRFC 1 for the purpose of my study.

  • Lunu Wewa Road Female 1-LWRFC 1 - 21st April 2024 at 4.02pm Lunu Wewa Road Female 1-LWRFC 1 - 21st April 2024 at 4.02pm Lunu Wewa Road Female 1-LWRFC 1 - 21st April 2024 at 4.02pm