This is a common breeding resident found throughout the dry lowlands and sparingly in the wet lowland water bodies. This species has a widespread distribution and is found from Europe across Asia to Australia. Three subspecies have been recognized.
The conservation status of this species is regarded as Least Concerned (National Red List 2012).
This is a species protected under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance as amended by Act No. 22 of 2009.
I have seen this bird in coastal areas around the country, at large inland tanks in the dry zone such as Nuwarawewa in Anuradapura and Rjangana. In the wet zone I have seen it at water bodies in Kotte, Bellanwila Attidiya and at Anamaduwa. It is quite common in the north and I have found breeding colonies in the Adams Bridge Islands, Kora Kulam in Mannar and in the Delft Island.
It is regularly found along with Gull-billed Terns and White-winged Black Terns at Most Villus at Wilpattu National Park. They are common along the coast and one of the best places to observe them is at Kudiramale point.